Oquendo is nominated in the ESG Best Practices Honours by SWEN

Oquendo is nominated in the Private Equity – Mezzanine Debt category as one of the most engaged Funds of Europe in terms of Responsible Investment. Since 2008, Oquendo is a signatory of the signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”) and since 2009 of the Global Compact of the United Nations (“PM”) on […]

Article by
Oquendo Capital
Jun 1

June 2016. Oquendo is nominated in the Private Equity – Mezzanine Debt category as one of the most engaged Funds of Europe in terms of Responsible Investment. Since 2008, Oquendo is a signatory of the signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”) and since 2009 of the Global Compact of the United Nations (“PM”) on the development of socially responsible investment criteria. Since 2016, Oquendo has put in place a Responsible Investment Policy that governs its investments with the aim of contributing to international standards, encourage compliance of agreed policies by third parties, inform that breach in principles may result in corrective action imposed to concerned individuals and publicly condemn behavior against Responsible Investment.